Here are a few of the things that make me smile right now...:)
Well, i see i am way over that time to update, but really dont have anything to say but a bunch a babble and random stuff...SO ill just post points of these last few weeks...
-I am now 24 weeks going on 25 here in a few days, feeling great, besides these morning allergies that are on steroids because of pregnancy.
-I have finally gotten a whole night of sleep! (besides the two to three bathroom wake ups) I learned that sleeping with my tummy slightly propped up makes a world of a difference, and now have a little wedge pillow to help. Even though the restless nights are preparing me for baby's arrival i still would like to get some sleep. :)
-Had our monthly doctors visit, which i was completely excited for all day, despite knowing I, (MOMMY) hit my growth spurt and did not want to see my new weight. When i was weighted i was half hoping that it was all in my head and then saw that i have gained 13 pounds in four weeks! I tried to laugh it off to the nurse (and my mid-wife) who was very happy with my new weight and then cried the rest of the day, setting the whole pregnancy in a whirl wind.
-I am now scheduled for a third ultrasound, because the baby would give a good shot of the spine. Hopefully this will be the last and everything will be fine, (im turning into a mother who will probably worry till the ultrasound)
- My belly button, well, is now half way out, and so embarrassing!! Through my shirts it looks like i have a stray stuck on cheerio. And well from MY view it looks like it has a star shape in it..LOL I cant complain about that now can i..?
- On a lighter note, i ate a whole box of junior mints by myself..oopps (no wonder i have gained so much) :)
-My hubby bought me a new camelbak water bottle and it made my entire week! lol Needless to say i am very proud of it..(you cant tell but its a nice purple color) :)
- We are in the process of packing up our home for the move the the end of June. the need to pack so early is we are going home for about two weeks at the end of June and when we get home we will be moving within the next few days. SO we only have about two weeks form now to get everything ready, which is a little harder pregnant with a much shorter reach, a hubby that works full time, prayer room, and sentimental emotions arising due to hormones. I have to say packing up everything is so hard, mainly because i absent mindedly decided to pack all the stuff on the walls, pictures, and our whole book shelf. Uh, bad idea if you want to feel like you have a home. :( But we will be moving, painting and setting up for baby soon!
-During shopping and updating our registry we decided to sit down in the gliders at Babies R Us to talk about what else we needed and almost fell asleep.. HAHA
-Baby is and can now officially hear our voices and recognize them. The other day i was a bit worried due to not feeling little one kick all day, so i asked Dan to come tell him to wake up and kick a few times for me, and not only did he wake up to his voice he turned around to face him and was kicking the rest of the night. ♥
-My new favorite thing is my life time bed buddy "Bunny" When i have to wake up for the millionth time at night to go to the bathroom, getting back in bed and going to sleep can be quite a challenge. With baby now awake and kicking, and my husband breathing/snoring, i can just grab my bunny and fall right back asleep. :) He has never been so amazing!
- I almost died yesterday when i saw a family at church pull out a bottle and give it to their THREE year old. :O I turned to Dan and we made eye contact and nothing had to be said, i saw the shock in his eyes as well.
- I have no idea how im going to make it through this summer being in my third trimester (huge) and in the mid-west. Yesterday it was around 93 degrees at like 5ish o'clock, and the humidity is beginning. Im from WYOMING where 2 percent humidity is a shocker and HOT. Now living out here with a million degree days and 100% humidity... OH GOSH, grace Lord! lol
-For the first time in my life, Ok not my life im being a little over dramatic, but for the first time since i was like 10 i wore shorts today to go down and sit by the pool. A wonderful pair of maternity shorts i got, and completely fell in LOVE with!! (Jami you were right) And now all i have to do is tan these florescent legs that havent seen sun in 10 years, so i can wear them!! Nothing compares to them, not even a skirt. :)
Alright well i should go or i will keep going and want to get something accomplished today, if its even a shower before my husband gets home. :)