Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Full Term

I MADE IT!! I am as of today considered full term (37 weeks). baby is now developed all the way, and if he came now would be perfectly healthy!

Todays check up went wonderful. We did our routine check up and then she checked to see if i had started to dilate or efface. As she is checking me she goes "oh I dont think you'll be making it to September!" I am dilated to 2cm and starting to efface. Great news for me, i have been praying i would have SOME progress, even if i stay like that for a few weeks. And i am in fact making progress. We joked a bit about having the baby this weekend (which turns out i actually may) and how Friday i CAN NOT have it because its completely marked off as her one vacation day, which i am fine with the baby needs his OWN birthday, not mommys. It was a good appointment.

I was telling her how i have been feeling the last couple of days and telling her i was having LOTS of contractions yesterday, and really sick today, she said it maybe the very beginning of labor, and keep watch of the contractions. :)

Thats all i have for right now, praying that baby is going to come early still.

Oh and were ALMOST done with the nursery. We bought a dresser yesterday, and are going to hopefully by the crib either tonight or tomorrow. :) This is a LOT of progress for us and how busy we have been. I still need to pack a bag....i should just go do it now... :/

Ok NOW thats all.

♥ Ash

Thursday, August 20, 2009

36 weeks tub time!

Ok so normally i am overly modest, and have yet to put a picture of my bare tummy on here...I thought these might be a cute exception.. :) you can click on them to make them bigger if you need to.. :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

36 weeks

Well here i am and im ALREADY 36 weeks. WHOA! Ill be full term next week. Its so crazy to think about how fast this pregnancy has really gone! I mean the baby could really be coming anytime after next week and be perfectly fine! (I truly wishing he come early) :)

Ok for the update!

Im as good as it gets for being 36 weeks pregnant! (haha) Things are defiantly getting more and more sore and achy. I actually got adjusted last night(by a REAL chiropractor),(which is a MASSIVE step for me) and she did a WONDERFUL job. I have so much more energy today and no aches or anything. Praise the Lord! My body must have really needed it. The lady, AMY, is actually a wonderful Christian who owns her own Chiropractic Clinic and is teaching our birthing classes. The classes have been great, and she is doing a wonderful job. Dan and I are doing it with another couple our age and good friends! (needless to say we have fun) :) During class last night i actually got a massive contractions and about 3 more later that night. WOO HOO!! Its getting SO close.

Other then that im doing great, (today) and am getting more and more excited/ nervous for the little one to come. Not knowing WHEN he will decide to come is slightly scary, but exciting. OH, and i also learned last night that Full term came from the bible. Let me explain; Most women actually go OVER their date because thats ow the Lord created it. I think its in Lev. but pregnancy is based on 10 Lunar months, which is based on 28 days. So cool! (still hoping for a early baby though)


Baby is about 17- 18 inches long and anywhere from 4- just under 6 pounds! (the size of a honeydew'ish) he is basically fully developed and just needed to wait a bit longer for his little lungs to completely hold up to the outside world. (but would be fine if born now) He is so developed his little gums are now hard! (kinda weird)
his kicks are getting harder and harder, One caught Dan's eye the other day and it kinda freaked him out. He said the baby is going to just punch right on out! haha He still likes to rub his feet along my ribs, and is now sticking His little butt out to the point my tummy looks all deformed!! he is going to be a stinker!

Well this is about it for now, i WAS planning on uploading pictures from the other night but forgot my uploader..typical! I will later on tonight or tomorrow.

♥ Ash

Monday, August 10, 2009

Thank You

This post is to all of you who have supported us and all the gifts we received for the Little One.
I just wanted to let you know I AM IN THE PROCESS of writing my baby shower thank yous!! Im sorry its taken me so long, once we started packing, they too got packed and i haven't found them until just last night. I haven't forgot about any of you! :( I promise i will get them out as soon as i can. :)

On the other hand,
I finally ventured into the "baby's room" today to try and tackle some of the organizing, and such of all the gifts and clothes and heaps of other stuff. I have to say, it was fun (a little overwhelming) but fun. We don't have our crib yet... The one we actually wanted went out of stock and never to return once we got home, Sadly we are looking for a new one. (we DO have a bassinet, so don't worry to much) :) We have a changer on the way, praise the Lord for giving people! And we are still going to go looking for a dresser. So basically we have everything we need but the big stuff. AMEN! I will post pictures of the nursery, before and after. :) I still need to pack a hospital bag as well, i know im terribly behind. The next step is getting some baby detergent so i can not just organize the clothes and stuff but actually WASH them! We're slowly but surly getting there, and the house is also on its way to becoming a home. :) We have just over a month left to prepare :/

♥ Ash

Friday, August 7, 2009

funny symptoms and warning to the ladies

So over the last few days i have gotten a few new pregnancy symptoms, you know the ones you laugh about other people getting..yeah.. haha

The hormone "relaxin" has officially been let loose to take over my body. This means that my joints and ligaments and even bones are very lax so the baby will be able to come with ease. BUT i feel like Gumby. I literally feel like nothing is being held together, and when i walk i feel all..well Gumbyish. Everything feels like its going to fall apart, or pop out. Like my insides are made of chewed bubble gum. Its the most bizarre feeling. Mainly where i feel like this is, my two hips, where my back connects to my hips, and my knees. So i look like a slightly drunk duck when i walk. Its ridicules! I just have to laugh at myself. :)

My eyes are also not so reliant anymore, (as if they ever fully were). My eyes decide to go blurry at any given time and focusing is sometimes difficult. Weird i know, but again i must say thank you pregnancy. :/

Ok now for the little more serious note. (For the sake for this next part i hope only women are reading this)

Yesterday i decided was called to, to head to our L and D to be hooked up the monitors, i was and had been having something like contractions for a few days and they kept getting worse, along with a few other symptoms. So i called and they told me to come in. They hooked me up and everything and well checked me down there to make sure baby was still high and everything was ok. They swabbed me and it turned out i have a bacterial infection, or imbalance I think its called Bacterial Vagnosis (i think they could have been a little more creative with the name)..? Basically how this comes about or is caused is by sleeping with underwear on at night. (who knew?!) My midwife was pretty shocked when i told her i had no idea about any of this. What happens is when you have underwear on at night and if you get any kind of...discharge or leakage, it is able to straight back up, and its a vertical infection, causing an imbalance of bad bacteria to good bacteria. She assured me it was JUST a simple infection and not something bad or a STD. Praise the Lord! This is especially bad while your pregnant. Simple fix of 10 days of antibiotics and all is well. So Ladies DONT sleep with underwear on, she said if its completely uncomfortable (like for me) then to have boxer shorts on, this doesnt mean nothing, just the pajama pants... Praise the Lord i went in, if i would have let it go, it could have put me into preterm labor by weakening my membranes.

♥ Gumby

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

34 weeks

Let me first start off by saying thanks you to everyone who called me and was concerned after the last post. I can say i AM alive, and did in fact NOT have a complete breakdown. :)

It just hit me yet again that im having a baby. Well not that im having a baby but the baby WILL be here soon! ..whoa.. Its crazy to me that the baby could honestly come at any time and still be perfectly healthy. I have about 4 weeks left till im "full term", which blows my mind!!

Excuse the typical bathroom shot, but i wanted to let you all see how im lookin! I have to say it again, I AM bigger then this, the picture doesnt do any justice, and i have dropped. :) The picture with mama bear shows that she LOVES babys kicks as much as i do! When even he is active and awake she will come lay on my tummy right where he is. That picture was from a few weeks ago.. :)


Im doing great, for the most part. Feeling good, a little tired but on the whole pretty good. The baby has Officially dropped, well has been dropping over that last few weeks, and yesterday it really hit me. I started to get really bad cramps and such really low, and they lasted through out the night. Then this morning i got up and went to the 6 am prayer set, and as usual used the bathroom 10 times, but noticed my stomach was between my knees! I about hit the floor, but on a good note it has made me look a bit smaller. :) I have to be honest, i have been getting more and more self-conscious of my belly the last few days. I mean i know im big and i love it, but im really ready to get my old tummy and body back. I remember thinking "wow, you can totally see my bump" "I cant wait to be really big" or thinking "yeah, duh, im OBVIOUSLY pregnant". And sadly to say this was when i could still pull off being fat and could hide the bump with a normal (non maternity) shirt. :/ (Ive already out grown my maternity shirts!!) Now that im here all i can think about is, i still have a little over a month to go, and im going to get even bigger! Thats scary! Oh, another thing i think is completely weird and random...Despite the fact that i have indeed stretched, i have not stretched on my tummy!? Everywhere i have baby im fine, but the places i have put on any kind of weight, i have stretched. I guess i am not ever going to be able to gain My body was not made to be heavy..obviously!

Im getting more and more excited as the time gets closer. When i log on and see my ticker and how far along i am its so cool, scary and overwhelming, but amazing. I was praying the other night and i was asking the Lord, how and why He has so much mercy on us and how He can truly love us. And in His reply this is what He asked me, "How can you love your baby so much?" And i sat there and thought, and i couldnt figure out why. I mean, this IS our baby, but its still in the womb, i have not met him, its not real yet (you know what i mean), i didnt have an answer. And He told me, "Its because its in your NATURE to love him already" ..whoa.. He is Love, and its in His very being to love us. That sounds so simple, and it is, but it put a WHOLE NEW perspective on things when its dealing with your baby. I guess i need to strap on my seat belt and get ready for this new season called "motherhood" and "parenting".


Bodie is doing wonderful, measuring good and on track, head DOWN, and now dropped. I dont know that i am done dropping, we'll just have to wait and see. He is about 4-5 pounds and about 18- 19 inches long. His skin is also smoother and fattening up. His central nervous system is maturing and lungs are continuing to mature as well. He Loves to have something shoved up under my ribs, mainly a foot or butt, and gets the hiccups on a very regular basis, this morning he had them for over a half hour :( I felt so bad for him, he would kick really hard after so long like he was flustered he had them. (awww)

Ok well this is it for now, im off to take a much needed nap before my husband gets home. :)

ASH and Bodie