Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, February 20, 2009

Education class

Alright everyone, we had our education class yesterday. There were about 10 girls that showed up to it. Another girl and i walked in late, (we were the only two in the insurance wing, so we were both told the wrong time) and basically missed the whole class and all the paper work. So after everyone left we were still doing all the paperwork and found out we both have the same midwife, and all. The nurse helping us was so nice, she did the whole slide show and about a million times the info for just us two. It was a lot more personal and informative. We also were told a bunch of stories and stuff about our midwife, all the same good things we keep hearing from others in the hospital. All in all it was truly a blessing we were late and got to do the class just us two.

Te best part of the whole day, besides getting an app., was as we were leaving the nurse told us to gets lots of sleep, and i made a joke on the lines of were going home now and sleeping b/c its so early and we work nights. So a conversation opens up about where we work. I told her all about ihop, not saying the name, and how its 24/7 so we are on the night shift of the prayer room. And surprisingly the nurse blurted out "IHOP?!?". I told her yeah and she knew all about it and how a bunch of people from her church have gone and love it. So now she is going to come check it out now that she knows someone!!! YAY The girl that was in there was so surprised and a strong christian as well. It was such an open door! AMEN

Our first official app. is March 3rd. Ill be finishing up my first trimester, which seems like a long time to wait to just get checked up but oh well. Were excited and love the hospital (at least the area we are in..haha) As i have said before i will update more on me and baby, later. maybe with a picture or two!! Its amazingly scary how much my body has changed!!!
Leave a comment so i know at least someone is reading this, its boring now but hopefully soon it will get going!! haha

Ash and baby


  1. I am reading it!! Keep posting! And, Amen to the opportunity the Lord provided for you to share. I love all the little intricacies that remind us He is behind it all. Blessings.

  2. Im ready it! Isn't it amasing what the gift of being a woman is? We're extraordinary creatures and the fact that you are growing this little being inside of you is the one miracle of god you will get to experience on this planet. Enjoy every second because eventhough you don't think so right now - it's going to FLY by. Love you girl! Aunt Heather

  3. Me too sweets. It's the only way I have of keeping up on the baby stuff :) What a mess with the app. Glad it all worked out, despite the hormonal roller coaster ride you went on. I use to hate that. LOL... Course, God works ALL things...and He is the only wise One. Praise Him for that! Pray you're feeling great this week, despite the late hours. YOU CAN DO IT, ASH!

  4. How exciting! I am glad you are feeling peace about where the baby is being delivered and your midwife. It's SO important! Can't wait to see your little bump!!

  5. Hello daughter! Are you kidding...I look everyday to see if you have posted ANYTHING new. Post pics and everything going on. This baby is sooo lucky to have you and Dan. He/she is highly wanted and already well looked after. As I told you, I am already praying for this grandchild. That he/she would be baptized in the womb and would come forth mighty in God and swinging a sword in Jesus name!!! I love you and know I'm proud of you. Mom

  6. i'm reading too! haha i love reading the updates :) that's so exciting that your 1st appointment is tomorrow, can't wait to see pictures!
    It's good to hear that about your midwife & the hospital, it sounds like a great start so far :) And I have yet to visit ihop too, hmm maybe TJ & I could set up a road trip there sometime! as always, we'll be keeping you & baby & dan in our prayers!
